Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday October 13, 2012

After a quick breakfast at our hotel we packed up our bags and checked out by noon so we could check in to our boat. After a short bus ride to our boat, dropping our bags off at bag check, waiting in the check-in line, and taking a couples photo for the boat (yeah, great idea taking people's picture after they've been running around trying to check-in) we finally got to board our boat. What a boat! I don't know the dimensions off hand but it was the largest boat at dock and looked immense! We went right to our room (8554) to drop off our remaining bags and then went to grab lunch. Unfortunately everyone else on our boat had the same idea. It was like college dining hall all over again on steak night. Finding a table was hard, and then trying to navigate through people was even harder. And p.s., when the waiters ask if you want something say no, nothing is free, especially the alcohol. But at least we got to keep the cup, which we then forgot at our table. Oh well.

After lunch we took a short walk around the pool before our mandatory safety drill. At our safety drill we met Dan and Dina from Chicago. Dan was your typical loud American; Yankee jersey, talking out loud to get a reaction, and asking people if he was going to get sea sick. It made me laugh.

Jill and I then went back to our room to finish unpacking our bags and sit on our balcony sipping our champagne and wave to the people on the other boats as our boat finally pulled out of dock (5pm). At this time I also was relieved to find espn on our tv with College Gameday airing! Gotta love that time difference.

After watching Gameday for the first time this season Jill and I went to dinner. We were assigned a dining time and table so it went A LOT smoother then lunch. Jill had sea bass and I had pork medallions. So good. We also met a nice couple sitting next to us from Phoenix (Larry and Luise). I wore my OU polo shirt (gotta support the team on game day) and I think it helped meet people. Go Bobcats.

After dinner Jill and I walked around the boat some more but ended up sitting outside the 'pub' drinking a beer, where we then met Dave and Courtney from Peoria, IL. They were both engineers that had just gotten married last week.  As we were sitting there talking the boat staff put on a carnival type parade which was quite random but people liked it.

At midnight Jill and I finally decided to call it a night. We have a long day tomorrow with a lot of walking. Only 2 more hours before the Ohio State game?! Forget that, I'm going to sleep.

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